There’s just something in the air today. Sure, it may be the mild temperature here in Cleveland or that we’ve finally reached the mid-point of the week that’s injecting a spring into everyone’s step. But I’m willing to go out on a limb—I’m willing to say it just may be the spirit of Leap Day.

All joking aside, I was, indeed, inspired today not only by the fact it's February 29, but by our blogger Lee Poechmann, of Haskell, who penned “Tech Support in Design and Construction.”

In his blog, Lee discusses the fact that, for the most part, we’ve been building buildings the same way for hundreds of years now. And maybe it’s about time for the industry to fully embrace the technology that’s become available to potentially revolutionize the way we do business.

“To not investigate and utilize beneficial technology on the construction side is like a doctor not investigating a new treatment that might be beneficial to a patient. It is borderline negligent behavior,” Lee writes.

If that wasn’t inspiration enough, here’s where Leap Day comes into play.

I have to admit, I never really paid much attention to this extra day that we get to enjoy every four years. But this morning as I listened to WTAM 1100, I was filled in on why the day exists at all—because there aren’t exactly 365 days in a year, but more like 365 days and six hours.

So if we allowed those extra six hours to build up, the whole calendar would eventually become so out of whack that we’d be celebrating St. Patrick’s Day when we should be celebrating Thanksgiving. To correct it, we have Leap Day, an extra day added once every four years to account for those extra six hours over the four-year period (resulting in the 24 Leap Day hours).

And the move to do so was made all the way back in 46 B.C. You see, a problem was identified and a solution was found.

Whether it’s working to find the best possible method to construct a healthcare facility or working to prevent a calendar catastrophe, the solution lies in a little ingenuity. Now the trick is, we all need to be mindful of when it’s time to think things through again.

For the calendar, I think Leap Day is working out OK for now. For construction, it's safe to say Lee has a few good points there about relying more on technology to modernize how we work.

So be inspired this Leap Day. We only get one every four years, after all.