Several months ago, we started a Healthcare Design Pinterest account and Associate Editor Shandi Matambanadzo created a few boards. We didn’t announce it with any fanfare—we didn’t “announce” it all, actually—because we wanted to play with it a little, see if there was interest in the community, and then figure out where to go from there.

We’re pleased to see that a lot of people did find us, and they seem to like what they’re seeing—but I’m not surprised. Designers are visual people, Pinterest is an excellent social media outlet for indulging that sensibility, so what’s not to love?

Shandi spearheaded this effort, and she’s clearly enjoying it. “It’s such a great way to showcase some of the really wonderful, professional images we receive,” she says. “From fantastic shots that highlight the architecture of the facilities to photos of gardens that offer respite to bright and colorful interiors, I feel the images will spark ideas for creativity.”

Shandi has been creating the individual boards based on some of the most important and popular topics we discuss in the magazine and online. There are also boards dedicated to the Healthcare Design Conference and a collection of our beautiful magazine covers. But how to choose—from all the images we have—which ones are Pin-worthy? “With so many images submitted, it can be a bit difficult,” Shandi says. “I try to select the photos that convey the idea of the article in the best way, or that draw attention to the facility’s best qualities. So while floor plans or even vintage photos may seem boring at first glance, these are still images that can inspire.”

We hope you’ll check it out and follow us if you haven't already—and, as always, we encourage you to let us know if there are other types of boards you want to see, or boards elsewhere you think we should be following for our own inspiration. Find us at