In these lean times, many clients are looking for ways to enhance their existing space or seeking to relocate to a more appropriate existing building. Before you decide to retrofit a facility, keep these three points in mind.

Is Retrofitting Right for Current Facilities?

If your building is in good shape and at a location convenient to both staff and patients, consider retrofitting before moving the organization. Start by conducting an energy, facility and experience audit. An assessment can reveal many ‘hidden’ opportunities and show if the space is suitable for retrofitting.

A Move to an Older Building?

Some older buildings can create an excellent image for an organization. It can show your company is helping to revitalize a neighborhood and being a good corporate citizen. For example, warehouse interiors can be updated while exteriors can be re-skinned for a new look and feel.

Again, before committing to refurbishing an existing space, get an expert opinion on the space and its potential. Spending up front with the right property and facility management firm may prevent costs from soaring out of control in the end. A firm with healthcare facility management experience will be able to recommend the right use for the building by assessing the possibility for soundproofing, energy efficiency, even identifying the areas best suited for imaging and other services that require expensive structural requirements.

Identifying Potential New Sites

If you are looking for an existing building on a new site, there is a lot to consider. Many of our clients want locations with good visibility, access, and the “billboard” opportunity.

When you identify a potential site, evaluate it and the existing structures on it based on your company’s facility criteria. Also, determine any future plans the city or county has for the area – ask about other developments planned for the area, any impending road work, or other plans that may impact your site decision. Preparing your facility for the future starts long before you ever break ground.